Mount Tarcoola Primary School

Mount Tarcoola Primary School is situated in the coastal city of Geraldton, Western Australia. The school was established in 1978

MTPS Facebook Acceptable Use, Guidelines & Protocols

The moderators for this page are the members of the school ICT Committee.

We have developed this page with the school community in mind. We want it to be fun, informative and interactive. We do have certain guidelines and protocols.

Please be aware that we reserve the right to remove any posting or other material that we find off-topic, inappropriate or objectionable. We trust that people who like our page will understand the reasons for this.

There is a very clear expectation that Facebook page users will be 13 years of age or older as per Facebook policy. We ask that parents and caregivers ensure that their children who are not 13 years old do not comment on the page.

Remember that many of the children who attend Mount Tarcoola PS do view the posts and pictures on the page. As a guiding principle, use the assumption that a child may read it and post comments with this is mind.

1. We'd love you to 'like' and add positive comments on posts and pictures posted on our page. This encouragement and acknowledgement of wonderful things happening in our school community is valuable.

2. Please refrain from asking questions which are more appropriately addressed to the school administration. These can be asked during normal operating hours. Eg..."When will reports be sent home?"

3. We would love our community to feel a sense of camaraderie and to find genuine value in what we share on our page. If you feel something which does not meet these guidelines and protocols appears on the page, please make an appointment to see the Principal during operating hours.

We do not wish to see:
* Profane, defamatory, offensive or violent language
* “Trolling”, or posting deliberately disruptive statements meant to hijack comment threads or throw discussions off-track
* Personal promotion of businesses etc.

Thank you.
MTPS ICT Committee
